The Planerladen & Florida Brand Design communicate social ills through the Corona Crisis.

Campaign, Claim Development, Illustration

Corona stays. What’s up? Problems such as housing shortage, too small living space, lack of digitalisation in education and unacceptable working conditions at unfair wages are not only issues that Planerladen e. V. & Nordstadt to go have already worked on before the pandemic, but they are social grievances that were strongly aggravated during the pandemic.

Closed schools, home offices and system-relevant jobs have become challenges during the pandemic period that require an even more targeted focus, according to Corona.

Together, we were able to launch a campaign that draws attention to precisely these grievances with “Corona bleibt. What works?” poses the question of what normality we can and would actually like to return to.

The eye-catching design allows for ease of use in implementation, carries a clear message and interprets the look of classic protest posters in a contemporary way.

The media planning and marketing mix of classic out-of-home measures, guerrilla marketing, PR work and social media ads for sufficient visibility in the cityscape and in the feeds of the relevant target group.

Due to the long campaign duration, the client was provided with a comprehensive advertising kit right at the beginning, which could be taken along to planned campaign days or to counselling sessions.

All campaign measures pointed specifically to the website, where further information, assistance and promotional material was made available.

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