The RVR and Florida are developing a standardised image for the five district parks in the Ruhr metropolis.

Corporate Design, Guidance System, Logo Design

Under the motto “Future and Home: Revierparks 2020”, the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) has launched an initiative to redesign the parks of the Revierparks as anchor points of integrated regional and urban development. The aim is to transform the five Revierparks, which originated in the 1970s, into forward-looking, sustainable and modern leisure facilities in the Metropole Ruhr and to secure them as high-quality open spaces through an integrative and innovative approach to nature, leisure and participation. By 2022, the parks will be ecologically upgraded and made barrier-free with the help of funding from the “Green Infrastructure NRW” funding call.

In the course of this, Florida developed analog communication tools as essential components of a common communication strategy.

The result is a park-wide, barrier-free communication concept and target group-oriented measures as well as an activating corporate design, which forms the basis for the developed guidance and orientation system.

Strengthening individual perception and a thematic connection to the region.

The overarching logo system, combined with the Brand Colors and typography, creates a brand identity that allows individual parks to communicate individually.

The connection to the parent brand.

The developed color scheme originates from the already existing corporate design of the Regionalverband Ruhr. The added color gradations not only create leeway in color design, but also important contrasts to support barrier-free perception.

Nature as a role model.

Organic shapes form the basis for the illustrative elements of the corporate design.

The Revierparks as an institution – Holistic perception & togetherness.

The combination of the individual parking logos forms a signet that enables a common visual address. The representative “R” is not only found in the visual media, but also as a large-scale object and meeting point in the various parks.

A communication without prohibitions.

An important conceptual part of the work consisted of changing the brand communication. The signaling of the parks works without any prohibitions. “No biking” or “No soccer here” are a thing of the past. Instead, park visitors are provided with offers and alternative options.

For further reading:
Homepage of the project

Story about the project:
Why public spaces need to develop their own identity.

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