Process Festival – The journey across technological, social and design innovations.

Art and culture, Claim Development, Curation, Development, Event Design, Webdesign

As innovations and special ideas are only created by thinking outside the box and interdisciplinary exchange beyond the comfort zone, we launched the process Festival in 2015. The annual event is designed to bring together people from fields of design, technical and social innovation.

National and international actors from various industries create and experience a festival of a special kind. For one day, ideas will be explored, small and large visions for the future will be tinkered with, and an interdisciplinary exchange will be brought to life. Eingeladen ist jede*r, der Lust hat mitzureden: Kreative Unternehmer, neugierige Nachbar*innen, Visionär*innen und Nörgler*innen, Künstler*innen, Familien und Künstlerfamilien. There are exhibitions, lectures, prototypes, concerts, music and many creative ideas to discover.

Process Festival 2018 // Man <> Machine

How exactly do you build a man machine? And why, actually? Will networked systems soon be so complex that they not only control themselves, but also us? Or does technology finally offer infinite possibilities for everyone regardless of their background. We ask ourselves: are we building the man-machine or the machine-man? And for whom, actually? And anyway: what the hell is Boston Dynamics up to? In 2018, everything revolved around the theme “Man <> Machine”.

Process Festival 2017 // play

How do good ideas come about? How to create a start-up? And what does innovation have to do with computer games? These and many other questions were discussed on 03.06.2017 at the second Process Festival. Including: workshops, lectures, art installations and many exciting conversations! In 2017, everything revolved around the theme of “play”.

Process Festival 2016 // exploring innovation

How does innovation actually come about? What do 3D printers have to do with dough? Will we soon all connect our refrigerator to the Internet – and who would then have more of it, the refrigerator or us? And: Who should answer all these questions in the first place – designers Engineers Or even all of us, the users? Or even all of us, the usersIn 2016, everything revolved around the theme of “exploring innovation”.

All videos & great support:
Opposition Studios

Many thanks to the supporters of the first hour:
Prof. Martin Kiel
The Dortmunder U

Story about the project:
The new way of workshops

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